
FRENCH at HOME OR on LINE with a CERTIFIED and experienced teacher.


Halbprivater Kurs
  • Einführung
  • A1
  • A2
  • B1
  • B2
  • C1
  • C2
Sprachen - NachhilfeSprachen - KonversationSprachen - DiplomvorbereitungSprachen - Business


Enjoy the confort and the efficiency of private lessons directly at your home/office. That's an unique opportunity to learn at your own pace with the course contents totally customized to meet your own goals and specific learning needs. You can spend as much time as you need to grasp each topic and learn how to communicate in French with self-confidence. The program is fully geared towards your center of interests. It takes into account your level, your strengths or your weaknesses.

FSEA certified trainer, I am Swiss and French is my mothertongue. You will learn how to speak French the way it’s actually spoken here. I have 10 years of experience during which I worked in several language schools and I had numerous mandates in companies of the area (UEFA, Novartis, WWF, General Mills ...). I am dynamic, smiling and very attentive to your progress. Seeing you succeed and build your self-confidence is my first motivation.

Writing, vocabulary, grammar, conversation… Whether you prefer a formal or informal style of learning, we usually work on a combination of skills to allow you to progress rapidly in every situations. To be connected with the local culture and to learn in a realistic way, we also work with real life materials (newspapers, radio, songs, litterature, ...).

I can also offer assistance for the Swiss naturalization process (civic knowledge, geography, history, culture of the area).


According to your needs and goals.


No prerequisite required. Total beginners welcome.

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Standorte, Zeiten und Preise

  • privat

Kursorganisation Einzelunterricht



Kostenloser Schnupperkurs
für 1 Stunde 30 Minuten1
with your partner or friend
für 1 Stunde2
private lessons at your home
für 10 x 90 Min3
10 lessons'pack 10% discount
  • 1 Price per person for a 90 minutes class. Travel charge CHF 10.-
  • 2 CHF 10.- for travel expenses and minimum 90 minutes lessons
  • 3 travel expenses included


< 08h
08h - 10h
10h - 12h
12h - 14h
14h - 16h
16h - 18h
18h - 19h
19h - 20h
20h - 21h
21h >
FRENCH at HOME OR on LINE with a CERTIFIED and experienced teacher.

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Empfehlungen von Schülern

Empfehlungen zu diesem Kurs (6)

  • le

    (Sehr gut)

    Conception de leçons pratiques et utiles, chacune ayant pour thème des situations de la vie réelle, ce qui a facilité...

  • le

    (Sehr gut)

    I had the pleasure of spending over 2 years in a semi-private class with Pierrette. Classes were carefully customised...

  • le

    (Sehr gut)

    Caring, patient, always concerned with the pronunciation and very professional. My language level has grown conside...

  • le

    (Sehr gut)

    Pierrette has been teaching me French with a view improving my conversation and comprehension for the purposes of com...

  • le

    (Sehr gut)

    J’ai fait le cours avec Pierrette pour améliorer mon français, surtout à l’oral. Pierrette a toute de suite identifié...

  • le

    (Sehr gut)

    Mon mari et moi voulions tous deux reprendre un cours de français pour atteindre un niveau où la conversation quotidi...

Ihre Empfehlung ist sehr nützlich, da sie es anderen Besuchern ermöglicht, ihre Wahl zu treffen, indem sie die Meinungen anderer Schüler einholen.

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